domingo, 15 de junio de 2014

project 5 "Human Rights"

                      What are Human Rights?

Every person is entitled to certain fundamental rights, simply by the fact of being human. These are called "human rights"

They are "rights" because they refer to what youare allowed to be, to do or to have.These rights are meant for your protection  against people who might wantto  harm or hurt you.They are also meant to help us get along with each ather and live in peace.

When human rights are not well known by people,, abuses such as discrimination , intolerance, injustice, oppression and slavery can arise.

Universal Declaration o Human Rights mas signed in 1948
This document is the basis for a world built on freedom, justice and peace.

The right to seek a safe place to live    
The right to public assembly
The right  democracy         

 The right to freedom of expression

The right social security

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

Projec 4 "My Autobiography"

                                                               MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY

1.age:5 years old.Date : october 15 moment: birthday party

2.age: 7 years old date: august 22 moment: entering primary

3.age: 10 years date: march 18 moment: I visited to my grandparents

4.age: 12 years date: july 6 moment:  end of school year 2006-2012 generation

5. age: 12 years date: august  20 moment: income secundari

martes, 28 de enero de 2014

Middle Ages
The middle ages is the period in history between 400 and 1500 A.D; which means from the fall of the Romanj empire to the Renaissance. It was a violen period in which keeping order was especially difficult, economic pleblems opened the way for thieves and peasants frequently revolted, there were lots of spies, pirates and assassins. Law did not heve fixed rules, toture chambers were included in many castles, criminals were condemned to die by beging hung in gallows, among other terrible punishements. Nevertheless, it was the time of knights,there were many scientific discoveres and arts had alsso an important develpment. People used to have fun playing different games such as dice, marbles and checkers. Chess began to be played toward the end of the middle ages and as soon as paper reached Europe playing cards became fashionable.

Games are as old as humankind in the middle ages there were lots of games such as dice, cards, checkers, marbes and chess. The games were used to transmitexperiences from one generation to the next one. Games are an effective way to learn because they enguge your attention, use your imagination, and creantinty.

miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013

What to do in case of an Earquake


Remaind calmed

Don’t light matches or candles because

Stay away from windows, outside walls and furniture


·      Do not use the elevator.  
·     If you are indoors stay there
Go  to the meeting point

Do not run
Do not push Each other
  Do not shout
Do not panic yourself

Pick safe places in every room of your home.
A safe places is a place that will protect you from falling objects.
Good safe places are under strong tables or against interior walls .
Practice drop , cover and hold on in each safe place.                   
Drop under a strong table.                                                               
Cover your eyes with your arm hold on.
 Make A Plan
Make a plan with you family of what to do if you are not all together when an Eartquake o occurs





viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

vocabulary 1 : environmental emergences

1.Flood :
a flood is a large amount of water that covers an area which is asually dry

a long periodo of tim when there is little or no rain is a drought

A hurricane is a violent storm with very strong winds.

A landslide  is a mass of earth or rock that falls down the slope of a mountain

Earthquake  is a sudden and iolent shaking of the earths surface

Tornado is a violent storm with very strong winds whichmove in a circle.


martes, 8 de octubre de 2013




BLOUSE                                      SKIRT

50% POLIESTER                        85% POLIESTER

50% COTTON                             15%  COTTON

TEAL COLOR                              GRAY

SMALL SIZE                                MEDIUM ,SMALL SIZE

COST $230                                    COST $195
BLOUSE                                       COAT                                           DRESS

90% POLIESTER                         50% POLIESTER                    87% POLIESTER

10% COTTON                             50% COTTON                        13% SILK

CORAL COLOR                          WHITE                                   LIGHT PINK

MEDIUM SIZE                            MEDIUM SIZE                      SMALL SIZE
COST $150                                     COST $320                             COST  $420                            

my catalogue



blouse                                                                 blouse
100% cotton                                                       75% poliester
blue, pink and black.                                          25% cotton
medium size                                                        white

cost $150                                                             small size

                                                                            cost $180 

 jeans                                              swimsuit
68% poliéster                                 76% poliester
32% cotton                                     24%  elastic
black, dark blue , light blue            pink, white
large size                                         médium size
cost $380                                         cost $284

79% poliester
21%  cotton
médium size
cost $583